(E-TENDER cum Reverse Auction MODE ONLY)
Last Date & Time of submission of tender
Date & Time of opening of tender
Parameters for E-Reverse Auction* Estimated Cost / Entry Start Price/ Reserve price for e-Reverse Auction Lowest Decremented Value
Eligible Bidders to participate in e- Reverse Auction
Start date & time of e-Reverse Auction
Handling of Containers and Cargo and Internal Transportation at MMLP-BALLI.
Rs.1,000/- Inclusive of all taxes and duties through e- payment
Rs.4,720/- Inclusive of all taxes and duties (Non- refundable) through e-payment
From 18/06/2022 at 15:00 Hrs to 02/07/2022 (upto 16:00 Hrs)
L1 Price of the financial bid of the Technically qualified bidders *
To be decided / declared by CONCOR (user department) if any
………………..(Value in Currency)To be decided by
…….. Decided by CONCOR
To be given by user department
All technically qualified bidders have to give declaration (Sample proforma given at page 18 to be decided by user department)
Auction closing time" if the last bid
received within a pre-defined time
duration before the "Reverse Auction
Time duration of automatic extension
Maximum number of auto extension
'Beat on Starting last quoted Price', as well as, 'Beat
Display of Lowest Bid (L1)
4. CONCOR reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof.
This tender notice is also available on the web site www.concorindia.com . The bid document can also be downloaded from the website (www.tenderwizard.com/CCIL ). However, the intending bidders should submit the document sale price of Rs.1,000/- through e-payment at the time of making online request.
EMD to be paid through e-payment and the receipt of the same should be scanned and uploaded in the e-tendering website www.tenderwizard.com/CCIL .
To participate in the E-Bid submission, it is mandatory for the bidders to have user ID & password which has to be obtained by submitting an annual registration charges of INR 1200/- + GST @ 18% to M/s ITI through e-payment. Bidders have to pay the Tender Processing Fee to ITI through e-payment at the time of request of tender document.
The detailed tender document can be viewed from the website www.tenderwizard.com/CCIL from 18/06/2022 15:00 hrs to 02/07/2022 at 16:00 hrs.
Any difficulty in downloading & submission of tender document at website www.tenderwizard.com/CCIL , please contact at www.tenderwizard.com and helpdesk No.8800378607, 011-49424365 or email at saurabh.k@etenderwizard.com.
1. Tender Document/sets shall be provided free of cost to Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) registered with the nominated agencies.
3. In case of e-tendering, registration amount and tender processing fee will be applicable as per the requirement of e-tender.
6. The MSEs must also indicate the terminal validity date of their registration (except UAM). In those cases where the MSEs are not able to provide the certificate with validity date of their registration, a self-declaration by the MSE (Party) on their letter head, confirming the validity of their registration can be accepted.
Container Corporation of India Ltd.
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)
Visit us at www.concorindia.co .in
Container Corporation of India Limited published this content on 18 June 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 18 June 2022 10:03:01 UTC.